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History, English, American Culture, Dance, Music, Art, Architecture, Linguistics, etc.

"Research in the humanities is often interdisciplinary, crossing boundaries between literature and history, philosophy and art, and/or music and religion. Because the subject areas are harder to categorize, the terminology used in humanities research may be less solid and agreed upon than in other fields. Researchers in the humanities are more likely to draw material from texts and artifacts than from original data gathering and experimentation." 

- As defined in Research & Documentation in the Electronic Age, Fourth Edition, by Diana Hacker

Students interested in doing research in the Humanities must be prepared to be 1) flexible, both in search terminology and in search strategy, 2) tolerant of multiple perspectives on the same object of study, 3) willing to go back and do more research over and over again as new and more questions arise.  Below is just a small sample of projects that were available to students in UROP in the past.

Click on a project below to find out more
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